A good design project starts with a clearly stated problem. When setting out to redesign the traditional bong, it was fortunate there were so many to tackle
Awkward ergonomics: The signature stooped over stance you take when hitting a bong isn't ideal.
Fragile and unrepairable: When the glass body breaks it's all over. The bowl is toast if it's dropped.
Difficult to clean: Unreachable interior surfaces means using alcohol to soak the inside, a lengthy process that breaks the routine of cleaning most kitchen items
Not intuitive: Little consideration for the parts that become before and after your session, like loading the bowl, or storing the lighter.
We set out to design solutions for each of these key problem areas. Thinking outside the box to elevate the ritual from a hassle to an enjoyable and considered experience meant breaking the mold of how most bongs were made before.

Pipes are like pants, in that you can get away without washing them every time you wear them, but after 3-4 days people are going to start to notice. We added the ability to scrub the interior surfaces of the pipe by making detachable components. The Glass Chamber is where the most resin accumulates, and it's made with a threaded top so that it can simply unscrew and be rinsed out at the end of your session. All parts are made dishwasher safe, which doesn't remove all the resin as anyone who has tried before can attest, but it makes for a good holdover between deep-cleanings. See our Waterpipe Cleaning Guide for more on the best way to restore your piece to like-new cleanliness, including using our Cleaning Brushes to get the job done.

Durable Assembly
Glass and ceramic are commonly used pipe materials because they have high temperature resistant surfaces that are inert and tasteless when smoked from. We stayed with these materials, but in order to solve their breakability created an assembly that comes apart to allow replacement of a single component if it's broken. Our Replacement Parts Shop has everything you need to keep your Waterpipe in rotation for the long-term. We selected the highest grade materials, 7mm thick borosilicate glass and alumina ceramic, to ensure that even though these are breakable materials, their quality is as drop-resistant as possible.
Stainless Steel was selected for the bowl material due to this being the most commonly handled piece, and we wanted to give it an added level of durability to withstand accidental drops. The overall weight of the Waterpipe at 3.5lbs is a testament to the build quality and feels assuredly solid in-hand.

Ergonomic Mouthpiece
A comfortable grip is made by the branching form of the mouthpiece, designed to give your hand a resting place at the neck. It's 35 degree angle prevents craning your neck while smoking, so you don't have to stoop over awkwardly while you take a hit. The bowl is positioned directly in sight for greater control while lighting and carbing, with ridges on the side for gripping.

The Bowl has a wide-platter around the outside to make loading easier by pouring into it straight from the grinder. It stands steadily on the table, not easily tipped over unlike common glass bowls.
The mouthpiece has a place to store your lighter, preventing the search for it at the start of every session.