What makes the best ashtray, best?
We scoured the internet, smoke shops, and Goodwill for Ashtrays we like, and also do not like. In a world with more ashtrays than the human mind can possibly conceive, we turned to the power of AI and top scientists to generate 3 criteria that define humanity’s love for little bowls that hold ash.
Hides the Ash - We all hate the black smelly mess and want it gone from sight as soon as possible
Big Pointy (aka Debowler) - A prominent spike upon which the bowl can be dumped onto to help clear out ash.
X-Factor - An Ashtray should help make your smoking session easier in any way possible, but without becoming a swiss-army-knife of sorts - because after all it needs to look “cool”
Creative Process
We set out designing, making sketches and models aplenty. The beauty of prototypes is that you learn a little bit from each one - how complicated or successful each idea is, revealed by using it everyday.
From the outset we knew we wanted to make a covered ashtray with a debowler - however the debowler does not like to be covered by a lid since it is so tall. We tried solving this by making lids with debowlers attached inside, short and stubby debowlers...
Late one night we saw the pinnacle of Ashtray design strewn across a field of stars - A REMOVABLE Big Pointy. We envisioned a Debowler that attaches to the base of the Ashtray when you need it, and detaches when you don't to allow the Ashtray to be covered.
How to Use the Debowler
The Debowler attaches to the Ashtray by pressing onto a smaller metal spike inside.
Use the Debowler to help clear ash out of the bowl when it is tipped over the Ashtray.
The Cover is dished to hold lighters and other accessories. It can be placed onto the Debowler to save table space.
Detach the Debowler, and use it as a hand tool for scooping, poking, and scraping out ash.
In-between sessions, holster the Debowler into the rubber sleeve on top of the Cover. The rubber cleans off the tip of the Debowler and holds it tightly enough to use it as a handle for moving the Cover around. The rubber holster is great for holding stick incense also.
A small steel point inside the Ashtray helps knock ash from your joint.
Hold your lit joint upright on the point inside the Ashtray, so that the ember burns slowly. The broad sides of the Ashtray are another spot to rest your joint.

Place the Cover onto the Ashtray in-between sessions, keeping ash out of sight and out of mind. The Debowler is a handle to lift and move the Cover around, while it is holstered into it.

The Debowler is shaped perfectly for rolling cones. Poke a filter onto the end, roll a paper around the metal body, and you'll have a cone ready to be packed with herb.
Remove the lid when it’s time to clean out the Ashtray. The anodized aluminum body wipes clean easily and is dishwasher safe.
Shop the Covered Ashtray >